Return Man 3: The Season is the perfect online game for American football lovers! it was developed by ESPN in the year 2013 and become very popular because of good graphics, the realistic movements of the player and free access online. There is only one aim, touchdown! The player has to get the ball and reach the end of the field by avoiding all the opponents from the other team. As higher levels of the game are unlocked, it becomes tougher for the player to reach touchdown. This game is identical to playing a NFL game on a console but without all the hardware that is required to play with game consoles.
Game’s Instructions
The players are given the instructions to play the game as soon as the ‘Play’ button is clicked.
A) The player has to run to the yellow circle within the allotted time to catch the ball.
B) Then the player has to run around the defenders using their blockers in order to get to the end zone.
C) If the defenders succeed in stripping the ball from the player, the player needs to pick up the fumble before the defenders recover from it.
D) If the player fails to make it to the end zone, then the player loses a possession.
E) Some icons appear on the field from time to time and the player has to collect them. These icons help the player boost performance such as better shoes for a more stable and faster run.
F) As the player progresses in the game more stages of the game are unlocked.
G) The player will also unlock various special moves during the course of the game.
Game’s Controls
The key controls of the game are:
[I] = run forward up the field
[J] = run left
[K] = run down the field
[L] = run right
[A], [S], [D] = special moves
The arrow keys can also be used as the key controls of the directions. The game provides a feature to change the key controls from [I], [J], [K] and [L] to [W], [A], [S], [D] for the directions and from [A], [S], [D] to [J], [K], [L] for the special moves, respectively.
There are special moves that are also available but there will be a deduction of points for the use of these moves, they are:
A) Juke for a deduction of 300 points
B) Stiff Arm for a deduction of 650 points
C) Afterburner for a deduction of 350 points
D) Front Flip for a deduction of 300 points
E) Ankle Breaker for a deduction of 150 points
F) Hurdle for a deduction of 300 points
G) Spin for a deduction of 500 points